Thursday, March 27, 2008

Awesome Life Tips by "Dumb Little Man"

39 Ways to Live, and Not Merely Exist @ DumbLittleMan

Such an awesome post - can't quite get enough of it!!! GREAT work, Leo!

It began with a very relevant inspiring quote,
"The proper function of man is to live - not to exist."
-- Jack London
, it continues with listing 39 kewl different tips on living life!

It's a very tough decision, but here's my five favorites:
  1. Love."You've never lived till you have loved."

  2. Be in the moment.“Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.” - Oprah Winfrey

  3. Travel.“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” — St. Augustine

  4. Follow excitement.“The end is never as satisfying as the journey. To have achieved everything but to have done so without integrity and excitement is to have achieved nothing.” - Anonymous

  5. Savor food.“One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating.” - Luciano Pavarotti and William Wright

Plus, (a little bit of cheat here), I'd really like to try to "Watch sunsets, daily."

I wish I can still include this in my Google Reader Shared Items - not sure how though cause this was posted in June 2007.


Unknown said...

I think this is one of the tips you should pay attention to..... 8)

Get out of your cubicle. Do you sit all day in front of computer, shuffling papers and taking phone calls and chatting on the Internet? Don't waste your days like this. Break free from the cubicle environment, and do your work on a laptop, in a coffee shop, or on a boat, or in a log cabin. This may require a change of jobs, or becoming a freelancer. It's worth it.

ms s loveridge said...

whattttttttt!!! i do get out of my cubicle (and then stay in your bedroom :P)!!!