Tuesday, October 11, 2005

now vs back then

just now, i came across my own post back in the thesis days and i briefly skim through it.. and i was reading that, i can't help but thinking.. how much have i changed from then to now.. not physically, but more the way i think and so on..
i feel that there's something different.. bout the way my mind work back then and now, but i can't even tell what it is... even the way i wrote the post back then is different to my current posts...
it makes me wonder, have i changed for the better or the worse?
i can't even tell.. i just now that something inside of me is different...

well, it's not a surprising thing.. people do change, don't they? as we moved on in our life and meet different sorts of people and come across all sorts of different things... we must have somehow changed...
i imagine people are like those dough thing (similar to stress ball, but the one which you can shape according to ur taste, with funny pair of eyes :P)... we are shaped by the environment that surround us...
mmm the current environment surrounding me are quite good.. so i guess i must have changed for the better? hahaha.. not sure...

anyway.. this is just another one of my pop-up thoughts...
^.^ have a nice day people..

1 comment:

William Luu said...

We change through our experiences. (As you stated in your post.) They are our influences in life.

I've kept a blog in various places around the web since late 2001, and going back, and reading some of the entries since that time. I can tell that what was on my mind back then, compared to now has changed a lot. Back then it was thinking about various exams, assignments, or something completely unrelated.

Life changes, mindset changes. It's not a constant variable right?

Some things change, others stay the same. Some things change quicker than others.