A while ago, I saw (in one of my regular-read-blogs) something like a big list of things that never fail to makes the writer day or cheer him/her up... I remember thinking at that time, "wow - it's a very kewl idea to make a list of those things". Since I somehow remember that, I'd like to view the post again but of course, I can't cause I didn't keep the link somewhere. x( Oh well - here's my version of it...
The 101s That Makes Me Happy List (
badly ordered):
001. Being a part of
my family (whom I am very grateful for their loveliness-most-of-the-time though at times drive me crazy :P).
002. Having such crazy yet
wonderful close friends.
003. Being in love.
004. A great relaxing full body
005. Knowing I'm loved by the people that I love.
006. Great
dining out experience.
007. Having a good time in a family gathering (the ones without tantrums).
008. Awesome catch up session with close friends.
009. Snuggling with
that special someone :P.
010. Taking kewl
011. Looking at a
breath-taking scenery (in peaceful silence).
012. Magically lose some kilos (I
AM a girl after all :P).
013. Spending time with that special someone.
014. Day dreaming about my trip to
New York City (yes - thinking about what I would do, what I would try, what I would eat...) - hopefully this will soon become real.
015. Being
totally involved in something that I forget everything else.
016. Helping people (that are
actually in need and are grateful to be helped).
Traveling to new interesting places.
018. Having a
deep conversation about life or random things that are meaningful to me.
019. Feeling healthy (yes - i know i can't actually be 'that' healthy - considering the amount of junk food I take in :P).
020. Making people happy (without costing me my own happiness).
021. Browsing
prettily decorated houses (in print or physically being in it).
022. Visiting a
book store or a library.
023. Going on a
Learning something new about myself. Puzzles!025. Walking out to a Melbourne only
fresh breezy morning (when it just rain the night after).
026. Having no chores or errands to run (at all!!!
Completing a work-out session.
028. Waking up on a Saturday thinking it's Friday then realizing I don't have to go to work! :P (sad - but true...).
029. Somehow gets extra
money magically (which I can spend without feeling guilty).
Seeing and believing my own self improvement. Improving my self from within.
031. Clean and tidy house.
032. Writing great posts for
my blog.
033. New Handbags!
034. Discounted things (when I need them :P).
035. When things are in place (yup - a little Obsessive Compulsive Disorder detected here) - e.g. iGoogle properly setup, laptop is working (both Ubuntu & XP installation), letters are organized, etc... (time for me to shut up before it becomes massive OCD detected!).
036. Eating
yummy desserts.037. A
nice warm bath with nice scented bubbly bath and candles.
038. Waking up at home in my old bedroom realising that the only thing on agenda today is full body massage!!!
039. Finding a new restaurant which has yummy food, cheap, and easy to get to (lol - this is never true for all three - but even the ones that has two out of three characterisation in it makes me happy!).
040. Lying around in "
base" (doing nothing) .bliss.
Chocolate (dark/milk/white; especially the ones with nuts - macadamia, hazelnut, almond, yummmm).
042. Watermelon (it's soooooo fresh and sweet and yummyyyyyy).
043. Saturday/Sunday
Melbourne - no explanation necessary.
045. Balanced accounts (on my money tracking software).
046. Trying something new (camping, squash, indoor rock climbing, etc - apology for the sporty/outdoorsy example - that is neither on purpose nor true, i.e. I'm totally not sporty/outdoorsy - I just can't think of something else at the moment!)
047. Satisfying my cravings (I get random food cravings from time to time, and when I get to eat them mmmmmm... bliss)!
048. Reminiscing sweet old days (Medan - though I barely remember any, Jakarta (sweet high school times), Penang, travels, fondness of Beckham, The Sims madness).
049. Ideas of
great gift for the people I love! (especially the hand-made ones).
Learning something interesting (cooking, baking cupcakes, etc).
051. Being
inspired! (meeting and talking to inspiring people, reading inspirational words).
052. Getting something that I've been wanting for a long time... (not the impulse buying kind, more the ones that I think and think and think over and over again before I get them, e.g. when I buy my laptop!).
053. Listening to a
current favorite song that I like very much again and again and again and singing along with it.
054. Reading a
good book!
Chick flicks.056. Feel good movies (the ones that tend to make people sobs :P).
057. Pretty
clouds in the sky (especially when I'm at the beach).
058. Max Brenner brownies.
059. Pretty greeting card with lovely poems (used to have to buy them, now have learn to be satisfied from seeing not buying, though sometimes still can't resist temptation).
060. Watching captivating (to me)
TV series (mm... I tried to name them, but then I get confused where do I stop).
061. Karaoke (yup! especially when I sing well :P).
062. Fun & busy engaging work days (rare - but precious).
063. Cheese-y gooey food.
Pretty dresses (that fits me nicely and makes me feel super pretty! :P)
065. Discover and read great useful/inspirational blog entries.
066. Live music (of course - which fits my taste; e.g. Jason Mraz - IT WAS AWESOME!).
068. Looking at my
photos collections (both digital and on print; both of me and me taking them).
Pixar movies!!! They are absolutely amazing! (the pretty kitchen in Ratatouille, Sullie from Monsters Inc, the beautiful colour in Finding Nemo and I can't wait to see
Wall-E!!!) mmmm ooooooh ya, and
Ice Age series (from Blue Sky Studios) - love Manfred the Mammoth!!! hihihihihi even thoughts of these movies make me feel like giggling.
070. Dressing up for an occasion (you know - the full thing; pretty make up, nicely done hair, gorgeous dresses, very sleek heels) - mmmmm it's a very very nice feeling!
071. Ticking off an item in my to-do list.
072. The body aches I get from Body Pump session (hey - it's proof that I worked hard enough!)
073. Finding new silly time-wasting and mouse-clicking games like Diner Dash, Build-a-Lot, Turbo Subway, Supple.
074. Actually
feel pretty from top to bottom (on the rare occasion).
075. Playing the electronic keyboard I got from my siblings for my birthday last year (to myself!).
076. Yummy corn (especially grilled - plus butter chilli sauce - super yum!!!)
077. Bali trip with FV3.
078. Past yearly family trips abroad (West Coast America, Europe South Africa, Japan tour).
079. Tasmania trip with Shanon.
Boris, Mino and Divina.081. Playing with cute
082. Pretty and cute pastel coloured objects (e.g. morning glory things, cupcakes).
083. Finding a new staple outfit for work (yes - this is one of the great joy that last long - especially useful for those mornings where everything in my wardrobe looks super yucky on!)
084. Brand new glossy and sleek magazines neatly stacked with each covers calling me to grab them. (Real Living, Lucky, Vogue, Bazaar, Home Beautiful, Inside Out, Real Simple, etc)
085. The super yummy three-course dinner me and Shanon made for Christmas Eve.
Chuan Spa experiences with my sis :).
087. Being served with well arranged or prettily decorated food.
088. Trying on pretty un-affordable clothes in the elegantly decorated shop (well - at least before the sales lady trying to sell the thing to me and make me feel like running away from the shop - hence, i prefer to do this in a department store where the sales lady aren't so pushy).
Finding the right cutesie template for my blog. Happy days with my darling.
090. Being in my super comfy pajamas.
091. Surprise thoughtful gifts.
092. Jeans that fits nicely and makes me think my legs look pretty (if there is any).
093. Pretty flowers (especially soft peachy pink rose .... though I'm still not sure what to do with them post the giddy feeling when I get them).
Tara Whitney's pictures!!!
Melbourne Showground!
096. Strangers'
097. Board game (Boggle, Risk, Cluedo, Pictionary, etc).
098. Wearing my baby blue Havaianas thongs.
099. Cute babies.
100. To forgive and forget.
101. My not perfect but extremely
beautiful life filled with
amazing people!
"You are a living magnet.
What you attract into your life is in harmony with your dominant thoughts."
- Brian Tracy