26. Jealousy doesn't help. Many people obsess about others who are successful or happy. That gets you nowhere, fast. Instead, be happy for them. Then focus on yourself, and what you do right.
Note to Self: Remember and STOP the jealousy!!! :P
The special space to unload one chatterbox's sporadic thoughts on everything...
26. Jealousy doesn't help. Many people obsess about others who are successful or happy. That gets you nowhere, fast. Instead, be happy for them. Then focus on yourself, and what you do right.
... make a useful and realistic resolution. Stop focusing on such perennial classics as going to the gym more often, losing weight and quitting smoking. Think bigger, better and brighter, for you and for those around you.
In the post, she listed 7 resolutions that will help with self improvement - becoming a better person. For me though, the following resolutions seem very applicable:
"A nice bonus is that once you feel yourself improving, in body and in mind, you will want to improve your life in other ways. One resolution could lead to a dozen more!"-- Taken from the above article.
Well, the best of luck to all of us in sticking to whatever New Year Resolution that we decided to make. May the future be better than today.
Work is love made visible.
And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of those who work with joy.
For if you bake bread with indifference, you bake a bitter bread that feeds but half man’s hunger.
And if you grudge the crushing of the grapes, your grudge distills a poison in the wine.
And if you sing though as angels, and love not the singing, you muffle man’s ears to the voices of the day and the voices of the night.
"The best and most beautiful things in this world– Helen Keller
cannot be seen or even heard,
but must be felt with the heart."
"Nature gave us one tongue and two ears– Epictetus
so we could hear twice as much as we speak."
I once heard a story about a woman who was rescuing starfish stranded on a beach. A whole shoal of them had washed up, and as she took her regular morning walk, she'd bend down, pick one up and throw it back into the ocean.* Page references comes from the 2nd edition soft cover version of the book.
'What's the point?' she was challenged by fellow walkers, overwhelmed by the enormity of the problem. 'You can only save a handful.'
'Yes,' she agreed. 'But for the handful I save, it really matters.'
None of us can solve all the world's problems, but that shouldn't make us give up doing what we can to help. The amazing paradox of developing compassion and practising generosity is the experience of just how much happiness we create for ourselves.
Don't overlook small and seemingly insignificant negative actions.@ page 77 *
The smallest of sparks can burn down a mountain.
'There are two disappointments in life; not getting what you want, and getting it.'@ page 80 *
"The quarterlife crisis (QLC) is a term applied to the period of life immediately following the major changes of adolescence, usually ranging from the ages of 21 - 29. The term is named by analogy with mid-life crisis. It is now recognised by many therapists and professionals in the mental health field."
"These emotions and insecurities are not uncommon at this age, nor at any age in adult life. In the context of the quarter-life crisis, however, they occur shortly after a young person – usually an educated professional, in this context – enters the "real world". After entering adult life and coming to terms with its responsibilities, some individuals find themselves experiencing career stagnation or extreme insecurity. The individual often realizes the real world is tougher, more competitive and less forgiving than they imagined. Furthermore, the qualifications they have spent so much time and money earning are not likely to prepare them for this disillusionment.
"I like the story of the novice monk who asked a very much older yogi, 'What do you do, as an enlightened being?'@ pg 43 *
To which the other replied, after a pause, 'I walk and I eat and I sleep.'
The young monk was taken aback. 'But I also walk and eat and sleep,' he responded.
'Yes,' the other smiled. 'But when I walk, I walk. When I eat, I eat. And when I sleep, I sleep.'"
"Dark chocolate without milk as an additive is also called plain chocolate. The US Government calls this sweet chocolate, and requires a 15% concentration of chocolate liquor. European rules specify a minimum of 35% cocoa solids."
Where would I possibly find enough leather@ page 5 *
With which to cover the surface of the earth?
But wearing leather just on the soles of my shoes
Is equivalent to covering the earth with it.
In Buddhism we like people to ask questions, we don't like blind faith. Buddha himself once said, "Anyone who believes what I ay is a fool - unless he has tried it for himself." So you look into it.@ page 18 *
"Even when you make yourself comfortable, it doesn't last long and you have to change your position. This applies to everything. Work. Relationships. Home. Your car. Everything!"@ page 21 *
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