Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday Morning Inspiring Post

Check out this inspiring post, "Power of 10 Minutes a Day", @ - Healthy Eating for Busy People.

I completely agree and think that the author couldn't have stated it any more clearer. Some snippets below...
"But, have you ever stopped to consider the powerful impact just 10 minutes a day could have on your life?"
"The secret to achieving our goals in life is ultimately taking it one step at a time, day by day, month by month, year by year. So, rather than getting overwhelmed thinking, “I could never learn a new language,” break it down into manageable chunks; eventually you’ll achieve success."
"By breaking your goals down into small, baby steps, you will find success, all-be-it rather slow at times. Remember, speed is not your aim, success is. So, if you want to lose weight, take it slowly, pound by pound, rather than fixing your focus on massive weight loss in the beginning (or the bigger issue), which can, and usually does, result in weight loss failure."
"10 minutes is a very small percentage in terms of a 24 hours day, but consistently over time, it could have a huge impact on your lifelong goals. Remember, consistency is absolutely essential to this principle."

Thanks Melanie!

1 comment:

Mrs. Dirty Hair said...

I just have to say that I love your blog...the set up is adorable! I am definitely visit often for some uplifting info...kudos!